By Emma Krasov
Old news by now, but the world didn’t come to its end on December 21, 2012, as predicted by multiple misinterpretations of a Mayan calendar set in stone.
However, in case the possibility has been lurking out there, many people and even organizations felt compelled to go in style.
DIVAfest, an organization that combines theater, dance, burlesque, music, visual art & crafts, empowerment workshops, lectures, demonstrations, and symposiums inspired by women, presented a special performance on its presumed last day on Earth, DIVA or Die Burlesque’s All Holiday Show.

The boisterous Em Cee Odessa Lil announced from the stage of the EXIT Theatre in San Francisco that the show would celebrate all holidays at once, just to be on the safe side should out planet blow up before midnight.

For a grand finale,IfNWendy and others performed a Mayan Ritual of virgin sacrifice to avert the Apocalypse, which they actually did.
Cheered by their apparent friends, family members, and random audience members in a small Tenderloin theatre, the courageous DIVA or Die Burlesque women of all body shapes, weight categories, and ages (besides underage, of course) heroically struggled through pesky wardrobe malfunctions and obvious lack of rehearsal time, delivering a one-night show that might have been a one-in-a-lifetime event should those Mayan interpreters have done their job with a little more professionalism, diligence, and dedication. The good thing is that following its 10th annual 2012 festival, DIVAfest is now programming events and performances year-round. More info at: or
Images: courtesy of DIVAfest.
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