A veteran Czech filmmaker, Jiri Menzel created this unsettling story of a little man in pursuit of happiness in the unhappiest times. The m...
I Served the King of England—A Filmmaker’s Take on Servility
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A veteran Czech filmmaker, Jiri Menzel created this unsettling story of a little man in pursuit of happiness in the unhappiest times. The m...
The best part of San Francisco summer—free concerts at Stern Grove—closed this Sunday with “Leonard Bernstein: The Master and His Muses,” pe...
In the old country where I am from, you were supposed to make a wish before trying new food. Or, maybe, it was just my family… At La Ciccia...
This year’s Midsummer Mozart Festival brought back “The Abduction from the Seraglio,” which was performed at the beginning of the Festival 3...
Q: My boyfriend is such a mama’s boy. We’ve been dating for five years on and off, and each time when it comes to the question of marriage,...