What originated as a bachelor party improv, developed into a multiple-award recipient Broadway show, brimming with silly tunes, head-spinnin...
Far Away From It’s Namesake, Mandalay SF Is A Culinary Destination
For my friends who reside in Richmond district, San Francisco, I have three words to say, no, make it four: You Are Spoiled. Rotten. Spoiled...
Ask Emma
Q: I brought my boyfriend home to meet my family, but it turned out badly. Nobody liked him, especially my dad. He made rude comments about...
Artwork of Nining Muir
Nining Muir works in a variety of media, and her subject matter is too diverse to somehow round it up. From abstract patterns to monochrome ...
The Unknown Woman—Hybrid of Italian Thriller and Post-Soviet Horror
What is marketed as an erotic mystery starts with a kind of a beauty contest between half-naked young women in masks, watched by a peeping T...
Not a Dry Eye in the House at Pocket Opera's La Boheme
Loved by so many for its intimate format and financial accessibility, Pocket Opera ends its 2008 season on a high and crystal-clear note wit...
Half-Life of a Dream—Contemplation on Collective Hypnopompia
Another hit summer show at SFMOMA, Half-Life of a Dream: Contemporary Chinese Art From the Logan Collection, presenting a cohort of diverse...
The Art of Lee Miller at SFMOMA
An epitome of femininity, a gorgeous model, a classic muse to so many artists, Miller herself was art. Behind the softness of her angelic l...
I’m A Happy CAMPer, And You Can, Too
So, Donald Fisher, founder of the Gap, a large-scale philanthropist and modern art collector, deeply rooted in San Francisco, and his wife, ...
The Last Mistress Marked With French Filmmaker’s Signature Wild Streak
This cinematographically highly caloric film opens with a scene of pure gluttony, serving as an appetizer for a juicy main course society go...
Tell No One—A French Twist on American Bestseller
Harlan Coben’s novel “Tell No One” attracted French director Guilllome Canet with its love story, tightly wrapped into a thriller. Francois ...
Ask Emma
Q: I am a 26-year-old man. I live at home, with my parents and my younger brother. I hate it, but I can’t afford my own place. I am at scho...